Is all movement sound?
"From Sound To Movement And Vice Versa"
[ We generate social soundscapes by the fusion of sounds from modern rhythms and technologies,
with the voices of the acoustic instruments from the traditional music ]
All Videos
"Trigémino" - Para Piano Solo
Vivaldi - Vedrò con mio diletto - Jorge Medina - Double Bass
L.O.V.E. - Bert Kaempfert - Trumpet Solo (Work In Progress)
Passing Through - Drum & Harmonica - Jorge Medina Martínez - MIDIpipe.mp4
"Tiempo Feliz" 2021
CoffeeMusic - midipipe.mp4
El Cuarteto De La Arquitectura Emocional - Vico Diaz - Guillermo Santamarina - Felipe Peralta - Jorge Medina - Ensayo Pandémico - Celebración XV Años Museo El Eco.mp4
Jorge is a multidisciplinary artist who explores various creative processes related to somatic experiences between digital media and the sensory-perceptual spheres.
His art practice explores resignifying how global data on political and economic events transforms our social behavior. This work refects upon daily experience thru digital screen-based communication, the new ways of cognition and the cultural effects on traditional corporal languages.
As Experimental Artwork is mainly presented through the mediums of Instrumental and Electroacustic Music, Choreography and Video.
(Jorge Medina Martínez)
Composer, Choreographer and Live-Looping Artist
(México City, 1989)
Jorge Medina Martínez #MIDIpipe is an Artist Specialist in Music Technology for the Japanese Company “Roland” since 2011 and as a resident artist at the Y2K International LiveLooping Festival (Santa Cruz, C.A.) from 2017 and at the PhillterFestival/ThreeRiversArtsFest (Pittsburgh P.A.).
More recently, Jorge has participated with his transdisciplinary proyect “CuerpoSonoro” (SonorousBody) in shows and workshops in México, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panamá, Guatemala, Ecuador, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom.
Jorge studied Composition at the “Escuela Superior de Música” (ESM-INBA). Currently studying Contemporary Dance at the “Centro de Investigación y Creación Coreográfca” (CICO- INBA). He musicalizes and scores Contemporary Dance, Theater and Performance.
Is a Multi-instrumentalist in the Prehispanic Fusion Bands: “Teruka” "AmpersanEt" and “Dr. Sotol”. From the COVID-19 Quarentine in 2020 untill now he has composed, recorded and produced nine studio albums as MIDIpipe.